20th Days of Combinatorics and Algorithms of the Mediterranean Coast
13-14 Dec 2023 Montpellier (France)


The aim of these days is to bring together people from the Mediterranean coast, in a very broad sense, working in algorithms, combinatorics, and graph theory.

The main involved teams are the DALGO team at LIS in Marseille, AlGCo team (among others) at LIRMM in Montpellier, the COATI common project at I3S and INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, and the GAPCOMB team at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona. Researchers from other teams (from the region or elsewhere) are also welcome to attend JCALM.

Each day will have a theme around which introductory and advanced research talks will be given. There will also be a problem-solving session. 

Organizers of this edition: Ignasi Sau and Dimitrios M. Thilikos.



The 20th Days of Combinatorics and Algorithms of the Mediterranean Coast (JCALM) will take place at LIRMM (Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier), on December 13th and 14th, 2023. 

The theme of this year's event is "Logic and graph algorithms". All presentations will be in english and will take place in the "salle séminaire" in buiding 4 of the LIRMM, just behind the reception.



Wednesday December 13th

Thursday December 14th

List of participants

  1. Gaétan Berthe
  2. Ilario Bonacina
  3. Marin Bougeret
  4. Caroline Brosse
  5. Vuong Bui
  6. Florent Capelli
  7. Clément Carbonnel
  8. Nofar Carmeli
  9. Jérémie Chalopin
  10. Oscar Defrain
  11. David Delahaye
  12. Davide Ferre
  13. Lilian Fortas
  14. Daniel Gonçalves
  15. Abdealkder Gouaich 
  16. Fred Haver
  17. Oliver Irwin
  18. Hugo Jacob
  19. Eunjung Kim
  20. Maria Jokkou
  21. Arnaud Labourel
  22. Isaac Lluís
  23. William Lochet
  24. Raul Lopes
  25. Ana Karolinna Maia
  26. Mathieu Mari
  27. Yann Marin
  28. Laure Morelle
  29. Jordan Moutet
  30. Guyslain Naves
  31. Nicolas Nisse
  32. Christophe Paul
  33. Lucas Picasarri-Arrieta 
  34. Alexandre Pinlou
  35. Evangelos Protopapas
  36. Clément Rambaud
  37. Ensiyeh Raoufi
  38. Amadeus Reinald
  39. Matthieu Rosenfeld
  40. Ignasi Sau
  41. Giannos Stamoulis
  42. Dimitrios Thilikos
  43. Petru Valicov
  44. Yann Vaxès
  45. Laetitia Viau
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